In Conversation with Kindred Spirit
Podcast with CEO YOURSELF
My healing journey & why your breath is your superpower!

Interview with The Capturist
Read more about my story and why I set up Inmispace and why breathwork leads to inner healing.

A breath practice
What does it even mean to set up a breath practice? Breathwork has become more mainstream over the last few years, I still get puzzled looks from people when I mention that they can book breath sessions with me. Why would I need to learn to breathe and I breathe to live? You would be surprised how badly most of us breathe and how it impacts the way we live.

Why Hypnosis? Why is it so powerful when combined with breathwork?
This was during the first lockdown in 2020 and I came across a free 1-hour Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) talk by Marisa Peer on Mindvalley, a platform that hosts various programs by trainers, coaches and the like. There was a short 20 mins hypnosis session at the end, I was blown away. I was actually speaking from my subconscious mind, consciously.

Career grief
This topic is very dear to my heart since I am a recovering workaholic and used to get my highs from extreme burnouts. I mentioned it in my story and several posts in social media that I was made redundant a few years ago. My heart still aches a little as I am typing this. I was flying in my career and I fell from my highest point to rock bottom. I was burned out. I was on a hamster wheel and surviving on unhealthy adrenaline. The redundancy took my identity away. I was lost. I did not know who I was. I did not know what to do next.
This is when I went back to breathwork and dug deep into the nasty self limiting beliefs and self doubts. Self healing is warrior work.